study material-physics-magnetism
Electromagnetics - 3
Particle Motion under O Magntic Field:
(Secondary Information)
= q( + )
If change is projected to the Magnetic Field. The path of the charged particle is purely circular and magnetic force povides necessary centripedal force.
R = Radius of the path.
T = Time period of the path.
Otherwise particle moves in a helical path:
Radius =
Time Period =
Pitch = V11 x T =
where is velocity to magnetic field V11 is velocity 11 to the magnetic field.
Force on a current carrying wire:
(Secondary Information)
As F = q( x )
We can say,
= dq( x )
dF = I( x ) |
Torque on a Current Carrying Loop:
Net force on a closed loop is always zero. But there is always a net torque acting on the loop.
Given by
= Magnetic Moment
= Magnetic Field.
Secondary Information:
Let plane of the loop is inclined at an angle 10 - to magnetic field ( with normal to the plane).
Trque = Bil(sin)b
= B[l(lb)]sin
= [µ x B]
dV = d
= µB(cos1 - cos2)
U = - .B |
Dumb Question:
Q1. A rectangular current loop is in an arbitrary orientation is an external magnetic field. Is any work required to rotate the loop about an axis perpendicular to its plane ?
Ans: No, no work is required.
Q2. two wires are II to each other in an external magnetic field with their in same direction. Will they attract or repet ?
Ans: They will attract each other.
Q3. A particle enters a external magnetic field to it like shown in figure.
In which direction relative to initial air.... will .. leave the field.
Ans: It will complete half circle and leave II to initial direction.