How to keep ourself motivated
What is motivation
Motivation is an inner state of need or desire that activates an individual to do something that will satisfy that need or desire. Because motivations derive from need or desires internal to the individual, others cannot “motivate” an individual but must manipulate environmental variables that may result in an increase or decrease of motivation, there should be a motivational strategy.
(unless you are an expert in behavioral sciences, we will request you to read the above definition thrice and try to pay special emphasis on the underlined text .THE ABOVE DEFINITION HAS SOME HIDDEN SUCCESS FORMULA)
The main point is that we actually require a “motivational strategy” to keep us motivated!
The primary purpose of motivation strategies is to develop an inner desire for beginning or completing an activity.Some of them are discussed here.
Most of the people are very motivated when they start their preparation but only few manage to maintain that motivation till the end , and those few are the one who are successful in there dreams , and in JEE’s perspective they are the one who manage to bag high ranks.
We have discussed this under these points:——
To improve one’s chances of academic success, develop a driving motive or an intense desire to learn. The following strategies may help you to accomplish this.
* Identify ambitions and goals for the long-term and short-term that can be fulfilled through success in school and coaching - It is said that “desire to learn” gives “success” and “success” gives “desire to learn”…hummh so it sounds circular!! but once you get into this circle nothing can stop you from achieving what you want .Well you might have heard the great saying that “nothing succeeds like success” that means that it is important for one to get some success to achieve more of it.
Now lets land our plane to ground and tell you in simple words what this point means.Well deciding short term plan calls for daily and weekly planning these plans are the most effective because they are more realisable as compared to long-term plan , so you guys should plan on daily and weekly basis .You should make achievable short plans like-” completing 25 questions on determinants this tuesday evening , revising volumetric chemistry on monday,”etc.Remember that simply making plan and not completing them on time is the biggest fault that most of us commit , completing targets on time is another definition of success, and these type of small successes give birth to bigger ones .We will elaborate more on this in our “short term plan” article.
Now lets see how long term plans are useful , rather we should discuss what happens to a person who fails to make long term plans:-
~ You suddenly find shortage of time when your exams and tests are close by and you have no alternative
~ You are not able to revise and give the required “final touch”
We will give you tricks and outlines for desigining good long tern plans in our soon to come article “long term plans”
* Develop a realistic plan for your life.
* Picture yourself being successful.
* Read biographies of people who succeeded despite adverse conditions(interviews of sucessful IITians too!!)
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Attitudes greatly influence motivation. Poor attitudes about tasks often translate into lack of motivation. Similarly, positive attitudes usually enhance motivation. Happily, attitudes are plastic and malleable; they can be changed !!
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The personal goal chart is a strategy for setting realistic goals for studying and carefully evaluating the ways by which those goals will be achieved. It takes into account one’s motivations for fulfilling particular goals.
This method of personal goal chart is used by me(Vaibhav) and Prasoon , and we find it superuseful!
Details of how to make personal goal chart will be provided to our interested registered members.
It is sometimes difficult to get motivated to attend class when one is tired, when one is uninterested in the course, or when one has an early class and isn’t a morning person. The following strategies may help one to get motivated to attend class.
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One of the most neglected areas of motivation intervention is precise knowledge of evaluation results. A common student question is “How am I doing?” Students need to understand clearly and precisely how evaluations were determined and why they received a particular score.One should explain what was done well on an assignment and
what is needed for improvement and this is where coaching and test-series play a significant role.
More informations on these points will be provided to our interested registered members
Self-talk refers to the process of bringing our attitudes to a conscious level. It is what we say to ourselves and it reflects ourself-esteem. Self-talk can be negative, positive, or neutral. Learning to engage in encouraging self-talk is an effective motivating strategy. An individual must be his/her own best friend, and to do soinvolves recognizing one’s assets and reminding oneself of them.
suggestions for implementing positive self-talk will be provided to our registered members
Sometimes people can’t seem to motivate themselves on their own. Atother times, self-motivated people falter and need help getting back on track. Establish a motivational support system at home, at school, and at work. The support system may be as simple as a “buddy system” with a reliable friend or colleague. It may be more complex, encompassing a number of individuals from different aspects of one’s life to whom one turns in different situations.
People in the support system may be sources of motivational strategies or they may be role models. Check the following sources for motivational support.
* family members
* guidance counselors or advisors
* coaches
* faculty members
* class mates
* peer or professional tutors
* religious leaders
* friends
How each of the “support system” can be used to your favour will be taught to our interested registered members
Achieving and maintaining high levels of motivation are difficult if an individual is in poor physical or mental health. It is important that one get adequate rest, exercise, and nutrition. Mental health must be monitored to avoid excessive stress, anxiety, or depression. Individuals can learn relaxation and coping techniques.This aspect is important and is not written with an intention to simply increase the list !
We will tell our registered members as to how he should relax properly so that he feels energetic