MHT-CET-2007 “Common Entrance Test” MHT-CET-2007

CET CELL, Opp. Govt. Dental College & Hospital Building, St.George's Hospital Campus, Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel.No.- 022-22620361-65 (Ext. 317/323)
Website :


Maharashtra MHT-CET-2007 now on May 17th

MHT-CET-2007 Entrance Examination for admission to all Health Sciences, Engineering and Pharmacy Degree Courses for the academic year 2007-2008 was to be held on Sunday 20th May, 2007. However on the said date UPSC examination has been declared by the Govt. of India. Therefore MHT-CET-2007 will be held on Thursday, 17th May, 2007 instead of 20th May, 2007. All concerned are requested to note the change of date of entrance examination. Detailed programme regarding issue of application forms and information brochures will be announced later.


Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET 2007)

For Selection/Admission to Health Science, Veterinary, Engineering and Pharmacy Degree Courses


Govt. of Maharashtra shall conduct a single Combined “Common Entrance Test” MHT-CET-2007 for all Health Sciences, Engineering and Pharmacy degree courses for the academic year 2006-2007. The Entrance Test will be held on Thursday , 17tht May 2007. The Govt. of Maharashtra has appointed “Dr. Arun Kumar Vyas, Officer on Special Duty at Directorate Medical Education & Research, Mumbai ”, as “The Competent Authority for the MHT-CET-2007”. The merit list of the above said examination will be utilized for admission in:

1)     Govt. / Corp. / Govt. Aided Colleges of Health Sciences degree courses.

2)     Govt. /Govt. Aided / University Managed Colleges / University Departments and Unaided Private Colleges (those colleges who have given consent to participate in MHT-CET-2007) of Engineering & Pharmacy degree courses

3)     BVSc & AH degree course.


  1. The qualifying Examination for appearing in MHT-CET-2007 is HSC (12 th  Std.) or equivalent examination with the conditions for eligibility as defined in the respective Brochure/s. Eligible candidates studying in Std 12 th or equivalent from School / Junior College situated in the State of Maharashtra are requested to give their requirement of Application Form and Brochures to their college/school by 20/3/2007. Those students who have passed their qualifying examination i.e. 12 th standard examination at a earlier date i.e. in 2006 or earlier are requested to collect the Application form and Brochures from the same college where they had studied in 12 th standard.

A single Application form and three Brochures (Health Science, Engineering and Pharmacy) will be made available from 23rd st March, 2007 . The schedule and place of receiving and submission of Application Form is as per following table:

Sr. No.





Sale of information brochure and application forms through :

·          Jr. College / High School

·          Divisional Authorities (For candidates who have appeared/passed HSC (12th Std.) or equivalent examination from Outside Maharashtra)


23.03.2007 to 10.04.2007


Submission of Application Form by Junior College/ High School to respective Notified Colleges.




Last date to collect admit card (from Jr. College / High School/Divisional Authority)





All the three brochures (Health Sciences, Engineering & Pharmacy) are available on the websites of DMER ( and and DTE (

The cost of application form along with the Information Brochures of MHT-CET-2006 and Examination fee is Rs.900/- for open category and all Outside Maharashtra candidates and Rs.700/- for reserve category candidates (belonging to Maharashtra State Only). This amount is not refundable. The School/Junior College should submit a collective demand draft drawn in favor of “Competent Authority (MH-CET), Mumbai,” drawn on any Scheduled Commercial Bank and Payable at Mumbai, to the Notified College while collecting application forms. The School/Junior College after receiving all the application forms should submit the same along with the list of candidates to the respective Notified Colleges by 11 th April, 2007 (Annexure-A).

HELP LINE NOS - For Engineering and Pharmacy Courses (022) 2262 6853/ 54

Helpline for Health Science Courses (022) 22620 363/64 ( Extn 323) , 2265 2257/59

Govt. of Maharashtra shall conduct a single Combined “Common Entrance Test” MHT-CET-2008 for all Health Sciences, Engineering and Pharmacy degree courses for the academic year 2008-2009. The Entrance Test will be held on Thursday, 8th May 2008. Govt. of Maharashtra has appointed Director, Medical Education and Research, Mumbai as “The Competent Authority for the MHT-CET-2008”. The merit list of the above said examination will be utilized for admission in:

1) Govt./Municipal Corp./ Govt. Aided Colleges of Health Sciences degree courses.

2) Govt. /Govt. Aided/University Managed Colleges/University Departments and Unaided Private Colleges (those colleges who have given consent to participate in MHT-CET-2008 of Engineering & Pharmacy degree courses

3) BVSc & AH degree course.

For selection process there will be separate Competent Authorities. For selection to Health Science degree courses, The Director, Medical Education and Research (DMER), Mumbai is the Competent Authority. For selection to Engineering and Pharmacy Degree Courses, The Director, Technical Education (DTE), Mumbai will be the Competent Authority. The Authority for selection to BVSc & AH degree course is The Registrar, Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Science University, Nagpur.

The qualifying Examination for appearing at MHT-CET-2008 is HSC (12th Std.) or equivalent examination with the conditions for eligibility as defined in the respective brochure(s). Candidates who have not given their requirement of application form and information brochure so far may do so on or before 16/02/2008 to their college/school where they are studying 12th standard. Those candidates who have passed their qualifying examination i.e. 12th standard examination earlier i.e. in 2007 or before and desire to appear for the MHT-CET 2008 should also give their requirement on or before 16/02/2008 to their respective college/school (from where they have passed 12th std).

MHT-CET 2008 Important Dates

-  Sale of information brochure and application forms (Through Jr. College/High School/Divisional Authority) 20/02/2008 to 01/03/2008

  1. Last date of submission of application forms to Principal of Jr. College/School /Divisional Authority 01/03/2008
  2. Last date to receive admit card 03/05/2008
  3. Date of Examination 08/05/2008 (Thursday)
  4. Centre of Examination As shown in Admit Card


A single Application form and three Brochures (Health Science, Engineering and Pharmacy) will be made available from 20/02/2008. The schedule and place of receiving and submission of Application Form is as per following :

Sale of MHT-CET-2008 Application Form with information brochures and submission of Application Form :

• At respective Jr. College / High School - 20/02/2008 to 01/03/2008

• At Divisional Authorities (For candidates who have appeared/ passed HSC (12th Std.) or equivalent examination from Outside Maharashtra) - 20/02/2008 to 01/03/2008

All the three brochures (Health Science, Engineering & Pharmacy) are available on the websites of DMER ( and DTE (

The cost of the Application Form along with the three information brochures of MHT-CET-2008 and Examination fee is Rs.900/- for open category and all Outside Maharashtra candidates and Rs.700/- for reserve category candidates (belonging to Maharashtra State Only). This amount is not refundable.

Important Note only for Engineering & Pharmacy Degree courses
1. Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) candidates are permitted to appear for the MHT-CET 2008 in order to become eligible for admission to first year of:

• Four year full time Degree courses in Engineering/Technology in *
Unaided Private Institutes who have given consent to participate in MHT-CET 2008.

• Four year full time Degree course in Pharmacy in Unaided Private Institutes who have given consent to participate in MHT-CET 2008.

For further details please refer MHT-CET-2008 Brochure.

Download Links for MHT-CET-2008 Application Form & Brochure

MHT-CET-2008 - Information Broucher for Engineering/ Technology

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